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2021 Small Business Saturday in Review

Blog / December 7, 2021
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According to the American Express’ 12th Annual Small Business Saturday® report, 70 percent of respondents reported Small Business Saturday makes them want to encourage others to shop at small, independently-owned retailers. The report also revealed, online shopping at a small businesses on Small Business Saturday was up slightly. Fifty-eight percent of shoppers reported they made a purchase online, compared to 56 percent in 2020 and 43 percent in 2019.


of consumers understood the importance of supporting the small businesses in their community.


of consumers reported that the day makes them want to Shop Small all year long.



of consumers made a purchase online, up from 56% in 2020 and 43% in 2019.


Small business Saturday helps reinforce the importance of shopping locally and in-store to help create a stronger community. This season has the potential to contribute an estimated $695B into the small business economy in the United States.


of independent retailers said these
holiday sales are critical and will
enable them to stay in business in 2022.


Source: American Express’ 12th Annual Small Business Saturday® Reaches an All-Time High with an Estimated $23.3 Billion in U.S. Consumer Reported Spending. 11/28/20221.