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Kimberly Clark and Disney Present Huggies Diapers

Case Studies / August 17, 2022
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Program Details

Our Bentonville office worked on this unique, large “eye-catching” corrugated display for Walmart. The Kimberly Clark display holds Huggies Diapers and Pull-ups and is the centerpiece of an optional 3-pallet train concept to promote other baby items sold in Walmart. The final version contained various Disney character lug-ons and a QR code. Once the QR code is scanned with a cell phone, the user will be directed to an interactive game of hide-n-seek where the various Disney characters are hiding in the clouds. Once all of the characters are found, the app will instantly show the user various coupons via the Ibotta App for discounts on several Huggies items.

Execution Details

Kimberly Clark contracted with a third-party merchandiser called Crossmark to ensure that setting up this display in the stores would take minimal effort. During a third meeting with the customer, a representative from Crossmark came into the Bentonville office to review the modified structure.

After hearing their feedback and preferences regarding the assembly processes in the field, the design team redesigned the entire unit to match Crossmark’s requests. The design team then completed an extensive 12-page process book for partial assembly at ALF and another detailed 7-page Retail Set-up Instructions Manual for Crossmark to use for in-store set-ups.


Program Summary / Results

Cost Effective: The design structure and digital printing allowed the display budget to be achieved.
Fulfillment: The displays shipped partially assembled and were delivered on time to retail locations for final execution.
Performance: The displays performed well to improve impulse purchases and additional sales.
Shopability: The color-coded packaging and display helped shoppers easily find the products they needed.